6 years ago
External news

We want to attract the right people with the right values to social care | Caroline Dinenage

New government recruitment campaign will raise the image and profile of the sectorThis year we are celebrating the th anniversary of our amazing NHS but we must not forget that adult social care is also marking years The National Assistance Act that created many of the core elements of the modern social care system came into effect on the same day as the NHS act In the NHS's birthday month we have heard many stories...
6 years ago
External news

The UK project giving refugees another chance at childhood

Young refugees face unspeakable trauma to get here But a cross-charity initiative is helping them to rebuild their livesIt is hard to be an adult when you feel like you haven't had the chance to be a child This simple statement has stayed with me over the last months of working with young refugees and asylum seekers Among them a -year-old boy forced to sleep in a railway station for months and another who witnessed...
6 years ago
External news

UN: spend an extra £5tn by 2030 to tackle global 'care crisis'

Report highlights risk of rising inequality against women worldwideThe world economy faces a looming care crisis risking further division between men and women across the planet according to a UN report calling for governments and companies worldwide to spend at least an extra tn tn on care by Making the case for spending on support for children old people and the neediest in society to double by the end of the next decade the UN's...
6 years ago
External news

Theresa May got it wrong with her cash boost for the NHS. Here's why

Assessing what the health service needs is essential before giving it more money to meet demandFour key things were missing from Theresa May's announcement of extra money for the NHS There was no admission that there is an NHS crisis that needs tackling Or that money is needed now for both the the health service and social care Without this emergency cash injection there will be insufficient time and resource to make the necessary preparations...
6 years ago
External news

For too long, care users have been ignored. But now we have a voice | Lost Voice Guy

Winning Britain's Got Talent has given me a platform -- and it's great to see other care users having a say about their livesThis is what used to happen to people like me who use care and support services important folk made big decisions behind closed doors Then if we were lucky they would invite us to consult to see if their plans were any good They'd send out a long complicated report and give...
6 years ago
External news

How Xbox technology could keep older people safe at home

Researchers are testing motion-sensitive technology to see if it could detect and prevent falls -- and reduce hospital admissions Former hod carrier George Foster describes himself as technophobic But when he was given the chance to have Xbox technology driven by artificial intelligence installed in the sitting room of his Salford home to monitor his every movement he saw the chance to ensure his continued independence The -year-old -- who is prone to what he...
6 years ago
External news

Social care reform ignores crisis of people stuck on mental health wards

Delayed discharges are increasing in mental health but this scandal will not be addressed by the forthcoming green paperAnyone who has spent time on an acute mental health ward will know what challenging places they can be for both patients and staff Vulnerable people with serious mental health problems too often receive poor care in an environment that is unsafe and far from therapeutic You would not want to your loved one to be somewhere...
6 years ago
External news

Social care faces a 'dangerous shortfall' of staff, government warned

More than of people say they would not like to begin a career in social care survey findsMinisters have been warned of a dangerous shortfall of care workers as a new survey reveals barely one in five people would consider a career in the sector Almost seven in people think a care career is undervalued by society -- and more than two in think care work is not valued by the government the survey suggests...
6 years ago
External news

Delay to green paper caps dismal 48 hours for social care | David Brindle

Jeremy Hunt says long-awaited policy document on care and support for older people will not be published until the autumnWhen Jeremy Hunt finally admitted to MPs on Monday evening that the green paper on older people's social care would not now appear before their summer recess as he had promised reaction in the care sector was more weary resignation than righteous anger Disappointment comes with the territory these days The news capped a particularly miserable...
6 years ago
External news

Charity commission head urged to mediate in row over care workers' pay

Charity alliance warns back pay bill for sleep-in shifts poses 'biggest threat to social care any of us has seen'Charities facing what they say will be ruinous bills for back pay for care workers' sleep-in shifts are calling on the new chair of the Charity Commission to intervene in their dispute with ministers The SolveSleepInsAlliance which claims to represent charities and other providers of half of all care services for people with learning disabilities has...
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