1 year ago
External news

English school buildings closed to protect children’s health

Schools constructed with a particular type of concrete have been forced to shut immediately as they are prone to collapse putting children's safety at risk Today it was announced that over schools have been contacted days before the new term is about to start informing them they must shut down in order to fit...
1 year ago
External news

Every region of England caught in childcare recruitment crisis – survey

Every English region is struggling to recruit childcare workers according to analysis by the TUC using Coram Family and Childcare data Nearly all of English councils who responded to a survey told Coram that childcare providers in their area were having difficulty recruiting childcare workers with the right skills and experience to do the...
1 year ago
External news

UK’s first womb transplant carried out in Oxford

Surgeons in the Southern city have performed a life-changing surgery to help a -year-old woman bear a child Yesterday it was reported that health professionals in Oxford were the first in the UK to perform a successful womb transplant Both women involved in the procedure wish to remain anonymous but it has become known that...
1 year ago
External news

Prolific baby serial killer has been sentenced to life imprisonment

Lucy Letby has become the third woman ever in the UK to be sentenced to life in prison after she murdered seven babies in a Chester-based hospital Labelled as the most 'sickening' case to have hit UK headlines the trial of Lucy Letby has finally reached a verdict Today Mr Justice Goss ruled at...
1 year ago
LSWC news

Leadership in Colour: a blueprint for tackling disproportionality

Leadership in Colour Update: paving the the way for
1 year ago
External news

Ofsted warns against use of unregistered children’s homes

Ofsted has issued a fresh warning against the placement of vulnerable children including those subject to deprivation of liberty DoL orders in unregistered children's homes Children subject to deprivation of liberty orders have complex needs and require high levels of skilled care and supervision Instead these children are often placed in illegal unregistered settings without...
1 year ago
External news

Urgent referrals of children to emergency mental health services triple in four years

The number of urgent referrals of children to crisis teams has reached a record high according to NHS data analysed by mental health charity YoungMinds The NHS monthly data published for the first time in full since a cyber-attack in December showed that urgent referrals of under- s reached more than in April the...
1 year ago
External news

Food banks in schools illustrate the extremity of poverty amongst children

A new report exposed schools are carrying an unequal burden of responding to long-term poverty that risks going unseen in government policy Findings from the report which was produced by IOE UCL's Faculty of Education and Society has raised concerns that the work schools are doing to try and support their communities is not recognised...
1 year ago
External news

New brain research suggests why some teenagers develop nicotine addictions

University experts have highlighted levels of grey matter in the brain could be linked to a desire to start smoking from a young age Research which was published this afternoon by a team of scientists from Warwick and Cambridge University in the UK and Fudan University in China in the journal Nature Communications discovered levels...
1 year ago
External news

NSPCC urged the government to protect abused children during the summer holidays

The leading children's charity is calling on authorities to provide more support for children who live in abusive households during their six-week break from school According to figures that were uncovered by the NSPCC National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children from to their helpline handled the highest number of domestic...
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