1 year ago
LSWC news

Principal Social Worker Beverley Halligan commended for her service

Beverly Halligan, Principal Social Worker at Newham Council, has been named as part of the King’s Birthday Honours list.
1 year ago
LSWC news

ALDCS Summit Recap

February saw us proudly host our annual children’s summit and first in-person event post-pandemic at The Livery Hall, Guildhall alongside the Association of London Directors of Children’s Services (ALDCS).
1 year ago
LSWC news

Haringey Make History!

Congratulations to Haringey Council who have received their first 'GOOD' rating for it's children's services department since the 2004 Children Act.
1 year ago
LSWC news

London Recruitment Workshop: It's a heart game

The London Innovation and Improvement Alliance (LIIA) hosted a joint workshop stakeholders delivered collaboratively by four London Authorities. They shared their permanent recruitment experiences and learnings.
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